Jesus: The God-man
His Person and Work
Jesus: Very God & Very Man
Do you want to know Jesus? Well, who is He? He has a hypostatic union: He is very God and very man.
Matthew 7:21-23
Jesus: Born of a Sinner, Yet Sinless?
How was Jesus conceived? He had a miraculous conception but a normal birth. He was born of a sinful woman, but He was sinless?
Matthew 1:18-25
The Work of Christ: Birth & Obedience
Was God born and did He have to be obedient?
Luke 2:8-14
Penal Substitution: Part I — Noah
What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? It can be summed up with Penal Substitutionary Atonement.
Genesis 6:5-8
Penal Substitution: Part II — Passover
What happened in the Passover and what does it teach us about the work of Christ?
Exodus 12:3-14
Penal Substitution & Propitiation
What is propitiation? Why should I care?
Isaiah 53
Christ's Work: Expiation
What is the difference between propitiation and expiation?
Leviticus 16
Christ's Work: The Resurrection
What was His most important work? The Resurrection.
Luke 24:36-53
Christ's Work: Ascension & Heavenly Session
Why don't Christians celebrate the Ascension and His heavenly session?
Acts 1
Union with Christ: Part I
Union with Christ is the Christian life. Why? We were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.
Ephesians 1
Union with Christ: Part II
We have been united to Christ? How? So what?
Romans 6:5
Christ's Work: Judgment Day
Christ will come back to judge the living and the dead. But when? He never breaks a promise.
2 Peter 3